Key to a successfull foundation is a stable and secure financial income. With the Giving Back To Nature foundation we have created this by automatically adding a fee to every booking that is made at SNP Natuurreizen of € 5,-. This contribution made by all the travellers then is doubled by SNP. Every month the total amount generated by the departed bookings is transferred to the foundation to create the capital to be used for the donations.
During the 40 years of our existence we have created a strong network of local agents and contacts ‘all over the world’. They bring us in contact with the local ‘grassroot’ organizations that are carrying out the different projects. Furthermore we have good contacts with NGO’s like WWF, Euronatur, IUCN, Wild Europe…
All organizations in need of funding fill in the special application form. Twice a year the committee reviews all forms to decide on funding and the amount. The GBTN experts are screening on positive effects on biodiversity, trustworthiness of the NGO, accountabilityb etc. Projects that are part of the program of SNP or can be visited by travellers do have a plus of course .
Extra funding is possible through voluntary donations by SNP travellers. From the start of this initiative some of our travellers have asked us if it is possible to donate more than the obligatory € 5,-.
Also other touroperators have shown interest to join this great initiative. Of course we are happy with all the extra help we can get.
Interested in joining our initiative? The foundation is open for all companies working in the adventure travel industry and are eager to support biodiversity with donations. Contact us and we can discuss the different possibilities.
© 2025 Givink Back To Nature i.s.m. Marieke Haver