In 1984 three enthusiastic biologists from Nijmegen, the Netherlands, had the idea to take people outside and show them how beautiful nature can be. What started with a few day trips in the Netherlands grew out to become the largest range of active nature tours around the world. In the forty years of our existence we have brought thousands of nature-lovers all over the world on active adventures.
Sustainability has been our priority for many years. The green DNA of the founding fathers has never left our company and our ‘love for nature’ still is the major driver of all our trips. We acknowledge that travelling can have negative impact on climate, nature and environment and that is why we do all that is possible to minimize these effects.
However, travelling can also bring positive impact to destinations. It can be a major source of income for local people and it can encourage nature conservation projects. With the GBTN initiative we can actually bring financial support to grassroot-organizations and help their initiatives for restoring biodiversity on the spot.
Nature has always been and still is the eternal source of our inspiration and wonder; the backdrop for our adventurous hikes or cycling trips, and also the object of study of many SNP birdwatchers,
plant lovers or butterfly fanatics.
I’ve been fortunate enough to have seen this development of SNP from pretty much the very beginning. And as one of the last remaining members of the ‘Gideon’s Tribe’, I also feel the
responsibility we have as a travel organization to act as sustainably as possible.
… means more than minimizing all the negative impact that travel can have. We call this nature positivity
Above all, it means:
We think it’s important to have a clear vision of our journey to nature positivity. Our policy plan clearly illustrates the strategies, goals, and necessary resources for the coming years. For now, we follow our plan, keep monitoring, and reflect to eventually reach our goals.
read our policy plan here
“How wonderful it is to be able to launch the Giving Back to Nature Foundation in our 40-th anniversary year and thus actually financially support local projects that are engaged in the conservation and development of biodiversity.”
© 2025 Givink Back To Nature i.s.m. Marieke Haver